Let's introduce Spankie Jackzon!

Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary friends, allow me to introduce you to the one and only Spankie Jackzon! Originally from New Zealand, this magnetic performer, host, entertainer, singer, and media genius has taken the drag world by storm. With over a decade of experience in the drag industry across New Zealand and Australia, her massive heart and multiple talents have made her one of the most sought-after drag performers.

Not only did Spankie win New Zealand's House of Drag Season 2 as an intruder, but she also made Drag Race herstory as the first drag queen to win two drag competition franchises. She went on to dominate the international super franchise RuPaul's Drag Race Down-Under Season 2 by staying in the top every challenge except one.

Spankie's impressive range of skills and magnetic presence on stage make her an incredibly talented and multifaceted performer. Her ability to win multiple drag competition franchises is a testament to her hard work, creativity, and showmanship. She's known for setting crowds alight with her live performances, comedy, and sheer stage presence, and it's clear that she has a special ability to connect with audiences and leave a lasting impression.